All good things must come to an end and so too did Cisco Live Latin America 2019. The final day of the conference was a mix of technical training, a great keynote and partying.
Colonel Chris Hadfield’s keynote was an inspiring keynote about transformation. Through the lens of his story from a little boy watching the first moon landing to his journey on the International Space Station, he inspired us to change. For him, transformation means that we have to change ourselves to be what we want to be. Once the recording is available on the Cisco Live! website, I highly recommend giving it a listen.
As keynotes go, Cisco picked a winner this time. I really hope that Cisco Live US takes note. This keynote was Colonel Hadfield from start to finish. There was no chit chat with a Cisco executive. It was a refreshing change.
Later we gathered to celebrate the conference as well as Dia de la Muertos. Cisco put on a great party with good food and plenty of space to mingle. I’m not sure how accurate to real Dia de la Muertos some of it was, but it was definitely fun.
All in all my Cisco Live! Cancun experience was new and interesting. If you ever get the chance, go and do something different.