Today I received an e-mail from Tom Hollingsworth, founder of Tom’s Corner at Cisco Live! among other things. Besides Tom’s Corner, he’s also a member of the Gestalt IT team. Gestalt IT provides an analysis of vendor offerings in IT through their website, blogs, podcasts, and a series known as Tech Field Day. This is where my virtual field trip comes in. Tom was e-mailing me to be a delegate for Network Field Day 23 (#NFD23). To say this was an awesome e-mail is an understatement. I’m excited to get to participate in this event with all of the talented people that will be involved.
For those not familiar with Network Field Day, here is a quick run down. Vendors from across the networking world send some of their best to present on their products. Usually it’s in person, but this year it will be all virtual due to COVID-19. These aren’t one sided marketing presentations though. The delegates are encouraged to interact with the presenters and help to dig deeper into the product and how it works.
You can expect more from me about the presentations after the event. For now, though, it’s time to do my homework and get up to speed on all of the vendors I’m not familiar with.
Congrats Ben! That is quite the honor, and you will no doubt fit in with the “best they have”, knowing your level of network knowledge.